New Research Shows Concussions Can Affect the Pituitary Gland

Concussions can affect many parts of the body and result in a variety of symptoms. New research indicates that concussions can affect the pituitary gland, and that decreased pituitary function can emerge months or years after a concussion. 1-3  An injury to the head can act like a pituitary gland dimmer switch.

The pituitary gland is often called the “Master Gland” and is located inside your skull. It sits in a little saddle- like structure in the sphenoid bone called the sella tursica.  This master gland controls other glands like the thyroid and adrenals.  It affects hormones like human growth hormone, anti-diuretic hormone, thyroid hormones, estrogen, and testosterone.  A mal-functioning pituitary can cause fatigue, reduced sex drive, changes in appetite, food cravings especially salt, and feeling unusually hot or cold.

Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation Helps. 

Blood supply to the brain and the pituitary gland is controlled by a group of nerves called the sympathetic nervous system. These nerves originate in our upper back area, emerging between the first five thoracic vertebrae.  Another group of nerves that control blood supply to the brain originate in the upper neck area, and is called the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion.  If the impact of a sports injury or car accident misaligned the vertebra, those nerves can be pinched or affected. Correction of upper neck  upper back spinal mis-alignments or fixations may be helpful.

There is a narrow stalk of tissue that connects the brain to the pituitary gland.  This stalk  has to pass through a tough membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord called dura matter.  The dura matter extends all the way down the spine to the sacrum and coccyx.  Cranial, upper cervical, sacral, and coxxygeal chiropractic manipulation may help normalize dural mechanics, thereby reducing mechanical stress on the pituitary gland.

Chiropractic Cranial Facial Release Helps.

Cranial adjusting using Cranial Facial Release corrects problems in the skull that may occurred from an injury.  A forceful blow to the head can disrupt the alignment of the cranial bones.  The most important bone in the cranial system is the sphenoid bone, where the pituitary gland sits. Cranial Facial Release helps normalize the flow of cerebral spinal fluid, and helps normalize blood flow to and from the brain. The goal is to optimize brain function.

Dr. Tarcha is a certified Cranial Facial Release Practicioner, and has been helping patients live healthy, pain-free lives for over 25 years.


  1.  Foley CM, Wang DH. Central diabetes insipidus following a sports related concussion. Sports Health,2012;4(2):139-141
  2. Ives JC, Alderman M, Stred SE. Hypopituitarism after multiple concussions. J Athletic Training, 2007;42(3):431-439
  3. Wilkinson CW, Pagulaya KF, Petrie EC, et al. High prevalance of chronic pituitary and target organ abnormalities after blast related mild traumatic brain injury. Front Neurol. 2012:3:11

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