Pinched Nerve in Your Neck? The 3 Most Common Causes

One of the most common conditions I treat is the infamous pinched nerve. Patients describe a stiff and sore neck, pain in their shoulder, arm or hand, or numbness and tingling in the fingers.  They describe the pain as sharp, stabbing, burning, or a dull ache. The medical term for this condition is called cervical radiculopathy.  It’s an irritation or compression …

New Research Shows Concussions Can Affect the Pituitary Gland

Concussions can affect many parts of the body and result in a variety of symptoms. New research indicates that concussions can affect the pituitary gland, and that decreased pituitary function can emerge months or years after a concussion. 1-3  An injury to the head can act like a pituitary gland dimmer switch. The pituitary gland is often called the “Master …

Chiropractic Care Treats the Cause

Please don’t settle for masking the symptoms.  Chiropractic removes interference and nerve irritation in your spine, allowing the body to heal itself.

New hope for people suffering from whiplash, concussions and head trauma.

Whiplash injuries, concussions, and head trauma from auto accidents and contact sports, can result in a condition called cranio-cervical syndrome.  The trauma can cause mis-alignment of the Occiput (base of skull), the Atlas (first neck vertebra) and the Axis (the second neck vertebra). The most common symptoms are pressure headaches, neck pain, vertigo, concentration and memory problems, nausea, loss of …